Ultra Fractal Guide
by Dr. Joseph Trotsky:


The absence of a good comprehensive fractal guide with Ultra-Fractal orientation is becoming more evident every day, with the increase of new UF users. As a rule fractal software needs some practice and learning, and especially the UF generator. This is because it has a bigger spectrum of options then any other program, and then offers some additional graphical tools, that are not found in other generators, such as manipulation of layers, control over selective coloring, setting of brightness and contrast with a "per layer" control, etc.

So I decided to fill in this gap, and write a full Fractal Guide with a UF orientation. Being both an artists (user) and a lecturer, raised a little conflict, since the artist wanted to keep close to his chest the small "secrets" of the profession, the tips, the finesses, etc. As you can see, the lecturer and writer won the argument, and here is the of this great project :-)

This is an interactive modular project, thus modules and updates will be added at times as needed.

This UF Guide is written for the practicing artist. This means that practical methods of work will be in preference to theory background and mathematical analysis. You don't need to be a scientist in order to make the best fractals - you only need to know how to do it. So, to make it clear and obvious, I used the color code to distinguish between these two sections: Theory and Practice.

The RED code is used for the Practice pages, where you will actually be guided step by step with your work.
The GREEN code is used for the Theoretical pages, where you can peek underneath the colored pixels and get a better understanding of the fractal Chaos world.
The VIOLET code is used to mark advanced pages, which may be somewhat more difficult to understand to the novice. You may skip these pages with no regret feelings, and return to them after you will be more experienced with the UF program. Skipping these pages will NOT affect your learning course with this tutorial. Simply come back whenever you feel like it, or never.

To begin with I have chosen the Spiral module, as this subject was especially looked for, and to the best of my knowledge there is not any spiral tutorial around. So have fun and make marvelous spirals, and do share them with me.

Dr. Joseph Trotsky
August 2000

FAME: Fractal Art Museum Enterprise. Webmaster: Fractalis

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