Chapter 8

The next episode.

So far you have practised the elementary principles of layers. Now you are ready for the next level. This next episode requires some added luggage.

Usually photographs and (scanned) drawings are imported into Paint Shop Pro. Now instead you will be importing an image produced in a fractal program, e.g. FRACTINT or Fractal Explorer. Never mind if you don't posess a fractal program, you will find it for free on the Internet. When searching, use words like "Fractint", "Fractal" or "Fractal Program". I don't include any specific address because I have noticed links are quite liable to shift, change or disappear completely.

These programs enable you to produce computergenerated images. Several of those may already be very beautiful, but you can edit them all using an image postprocessing program.

Now spend some time making (and learning about) fractals. They are complex arithmetical figures, but luckily you can work with them even without any related knowledge. Usually the site where you find the program will provide a manual.

So a fractal program is necessary for the remainder of the quest. But if you don't possess or can't find one, don't worry. The next steps are basically the same as the previous ones. All of the following manipulations can be applied to any other type of image you might want to start your quest with.




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